Educational Opportunities

It is DIRC's mission to engage students in critical inquiry and lifelong learning.  We believe in providing opportunities for students to grow in multiple facets of development and become their best selves with consciousness around personal and social responsibilities. In that vision, we offer workshops focused on identity development, social consciousness, allyship, advocacy, and leadership development. DIRC education opportunities are student centered and have focused learning outcomes that meet the needs and experiences of students today.

We invite you to review DIRC Educational Opportunities below.  


Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Stay tuned for upcoming Ally Training!



Students will be able to:

  • Explore and state attributes of different communications styles
  • Listen to/connect the communication style to their own experiences 
  • Analyze their own communication style and its effect on their interest

This workshop highlights various aspects of different individuals (what is observable, what is assumed), how culture impacts behavior, and the meaning that individuals attach to culturally-influenced behaviors. Through a role play exercise students can begin to understand what affects one’s perspective, and how to work with others from different cultures and communication styles.